Solano Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Clubs & OrganizationsNon-Profits--Chambers
About Us
Nuestra mision es fortalecer a los negocios Hispanos en el Condado de Solano, abogando ante las autoridades correspondientes para incrementar las oportunidades que apoyen su crecimiento económico y proveyendo recursos, entrenamientos y herramientas que mejoren su desarrollo, prosperidad y éxito.
Our mission is to strengthen Solano County’s Hispanic businesses by advocating for opportunities that support their economic growth and by providing resources, training and tools, which advance development, prosperity and success in Solano County.
Rep/Contact Info
Leo Callejas
Executive Director
- Phone: (707) 999-2966
- Cell Phone: (707) 410-0307
- P.O. Box 206 Fairfield CA 94533