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Create an Email Newsletter to Grow Your Fairfield-Suisun Business

In order to have a successful business, you need to have a large and loyal customer base. You need customers who not only buy your product or service once, but who keep coming back for more. So how do you turn one-time buyers into lifelong fans? One way is by creating an email newsletter. Fortunately, creating and maintaining a newsletter is relatively easy and inexpensive; all you need is a computer and an email account. Keep reading for helpful tips courtesy of the Fairfield-Suisun Chamber of Commerce.

Build Connections with Newsletters

One of the reasons newsletters are so effective is that they're highly personal. Unlike other marketing materials such as TV ads or billboards, which are seen by millions of people whether they want to see them or not, people have to opt in to receive your newsletter. This means that they're already interested in what you have to say. They've given you permission to contact them directly.


Another reason newsletters are so effective is that they build trust. By providing helpful, informative content on a regular basis, you establish yourself as an expert in your field—someone whose advice and opinion can be trusted. When it comes time for your customers to make a purchase, chances are good that they'll remember your name and come to you first.

How To Write An Effective Newsletter

When writing content for your newsletter, always keep your audience in mind. What information would they find useful or interesting? What questions can you answer for them? These answers will also reflect the nature of your business. Customers of an IT company will expect very different content and formatting than customers of a book seller or interior designer. 


Remember, the goal of your newsletter is to provide value for your readers. If it isn't helpful, informative, or entertaining, they won't bother reading it. Constant Contact recommends how to guides, behind the scenes content, and top ten lists as viable options.                     

Use the Right Tools

Once you know the type of newsletter you want to create, then you must decide what format it will take. Will it be purely text-based, or will you also include images? How long will it be? Your answers will guide you towards particular tools. Fortunately, there are plenty of great options out there regardless of what budget you're working with, according to Zapier. MailChimp and Constant Contact are two popular (and affordable) choices for small businesses. They offer a range of formats and can track your response rates. 


However, if you have some design experience and would rather make your template from scratch, you can convert to a PDF file for easy sharing and security. Create the newsletter in whichever design software you prefer, and then use a conversion tool to make it a PDF. This stable file type is accessible on virtually all devices, so it’s ideal for sharing.

Getting More People To Read Your Newsletter

Of course, even the best newsletter won't do you any good if no one reads it. So how do you get people to actually open and read your emails? One way is by keeping the subject line short and sweet—preferably less than 50 characters. The subject line should give readers a clear idea of what the newsletter contains without being too vague or too specific; think of it as a mini headline for your email.


Another way to get more people to read your newsletter is by including data visualization in your content. Data visualization—or using charts, graphs, and other visual aids to present information—is an excellent way to make complex concepts more accessible and easier to understand. Not only that, but data visualization can also make boring topics more interesting and engaging.

Inform, Stand Out, and Connect

A newsletter is a great way for small businesses to connect with their customers and promote their brand. By including information about new products, sales, and events, you can keep your customers informed and engaged. In addition, newsletters provide an opportunity to showcase the unique personality of a small business, which can help it to stand out from its competitors. Whether you use marketing programs or a design program and PDF converter, your newsletter will prove to be a great way to reach out to your customers and create lasting relationships.

If you’re ready to grow your business with the help of great local resources and partnerships, join the Fairfield-Suisun Chamber of Commerce.